Welcome to Reply.Gift

On this site you can see how the Reply.Gift process works from adding products to cart through to viewing a reply. Test credit card numbers are provided at checkout.

Why and what is the point of this?

How many different ways can video replies benefit business and be done?

Why and what’s the point :

Innovation in customer experience

Reply.gift brings rich media to your customer experience.

Psychology of gifting

Giving a gift requires a reply. It is science, they have done studies!

Action – Reaction

Customer engagement time is means more commercial opportunity.

Unlock untapped potential

Gifting is a nuanced action for us humans but expectation of a gift being acknowledged is near universal. This is the why of Reply.Gift

Saying thank you

  • Sometimes its friendship and love
  • Sometimes its obligation
  • It’s always nice to make it easy and great

Fresh customer attention is digital gold

  • Attention is a chance for a message
  • A message leads to action
  • Action leads to revenue

“I love getting little video replies from my gifts”


Primary gift giver

Try Reply.Gift out for yourself

Products sales are simulation with test credit card data provided at checkout